Evobyte Team - 25 Mar 2021
App development for hotels and accommodation facilities, innovation and competitiveness
The reception sector is going through a rough patch, this is no mystery now, but with the arrival of the summer season things will improve. Certainly the hope is to revive the entire segment, it will take time, but it will certainly be a start. What is needed, however, is to be as competitive as possible in order to bring home the season and be able to get going again in the right direction. The creation of apps for hotels and accommodation facilities, in this sense, is of great help.
App development in the reception sector
Many hospitality businesses, particularly small ones, do not use apps, either to manage internal processes or to facilitate users. After all, if they are family-run businesses, with a volume of bookings appropriate to the type, having an app is not a compulsion at the moment.
As far as the broader reception activities are concerned, such as hotels of a certain category, campsites, residences, the use of an app is starting to be a need to be answered. The argument is quite simple: when you can finally move this summer, accommodations should already have completed their bookings.
Not only that, building Android apps, as well as building iPhone apps, can dramatically improve the customer experience. Research conducted some time ago showed that customers are more satisfied with their guest experience. Not only that, apps are very useful in the process of customer retention.
Advantages of using apps for hotels and accommodation facilities in general
In order to better understand the advantages that an app can give in the field of reception, we have to make a quick reflection on what are the processes of such facilities. It starts from the user's booking to the management of their arrival, stay and departure. The most challenging phase of this management is communication.
You must communicate with the client to give them any information immediately after booking, before arrival. You must communicate all the services available, you must then communicate any rules anticovid of the hotel and, finally, once you leave the hotel, you must manage the feedback from the customer, you must try to retain them so that they can become a permanent customer.
All these operations should be managed manually, that is to say, it takes a concierge to take care of these aspects and a salesperson to take care of the next part, i.e. from when the client leaves the structure.
Simple push notifications, just to give an example, would be enough to effectively manage all these aspects. Of course, apps are developed on a tailor-made basis, depending on the real needs of the hotel.
At Evobyte, we provide a Project Manager for a free initial consultation. This is to help you evaluate what your hotel needs and what activities you don't need. In this way, you can not only find a tailor-made solution for your hotel, but also optimize your budget without waste.
What Evobyte can do for your facility
When we talk about apps for accommodation facilities, as we saw before, we are making a general speech, so we talk about what may be the most common needs. Of course, not all accommodation facilities have the same needs and the same customer management, which is why we decided not to offer the same services to everyone but to customize them.
To implement this purpose, we have provided an initial consultation, as we said, and a team of specialists that will support you all the way, so we put CAS-certified project managers, senior software developers, AWS- and MS-Azure-certified systems engineers, and even a team of graphic designers by your side.
Of course, we also offer you assistance the rest of the way, so as far as updates, technical support, IT assistance and even web marketing are concerned.
This way you can concentrate exclusively on your work and you are guaranteed support with Swiss quality and the best innovative technologies.
Now is the time to organize the restart and plan.