Evobyte Team - 29 Sep 2020
E-commerce is the future: find out how to take part
2020 represents a turning point in the ecommerce landscape: according to many experts, the current year will mark the future of online commerce.
There are many new areas for those who want to sell through a dedicated web space.
Let's see them one by one.
Social network
Zuckerberg clearly announced that Facebook and all the channels belonging to the group (Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger) will launch the Shop function: this is the punctual response of the American giant to the consequences of the pandemic.
What consequences will this have on the e-commerce market? Certainly an expansion of the market.
Small brands and neighborhood shopkeepers, subjects who would have no budget to create and manage a site they own, will have the opportunity to implement online sales within their sales strategies: just have a Facebook page or an Instagram account.
It is increasingly important for customers to have someone to ask questions and who can help them choose the best solution for them, especially when they are making an online purchase. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, most conversations can be automated, allowing users to be offered efficient and 24/7 customer support.
A new way of defining this possibility has even been coined: conversational commerce.
Surely in the next few years we will see a significant number of companies investing in chatbot services so that they can automate part of the customer support process.
Specific skills for the team
The management of online sales cannot be improvised. Gone are the days when with a small budget in online advertising it was possible to generate significant revenues. Having a background in communication is no longer enough, but there is a need to turn to real professionals in this field. For this reason, the figures able to operate in the field of ecommerce management will be increasingly in demand.
The growth of B2B
We are used to thinking of ecommerce as an area strictly dedicated to the final consumer. Even in this case, however, the scenario is changing. It is no longer just consumers who shop online: the B2B ecommerce industry, also thanks to the expansion of product categories, which today include the same digital services, is experiencing a real boom. Operators operating in this area must be ready.
Purchasing via app, and in general via smartphone and tablet, tends to constantly expand and redefine the contours of e-commerce shopping: as many as 70% of purchases are made from mobile. It is easy to understand the meaning of this data: it will be increasingly important to invest in user friendly technologies, especially with regard to check out.
We offer you our free consultation to evaluate your web project together!