Evobyte Team - 03 Jun 2020
Website and e-commerce: ready for the digital challenge?
Approaching the digital challenge can seem very complicated for entrepreneurs who face an unprecedented crisis.
The race to the "web world" is one of the main themes in recent weeks for businesses in every sector: the barriers to personal contacts can be effectively overcome thanks to the tools made available by the digital world.
Digital transformation in the time of the coronavirus is no longer a choice: it represents an opportunity to stem the inevitable economic contractions dictated by the situation.
However, one element remains fundamental, even if often overlooked: alternative solutions to the "traditional" management of activities must not be implemented in an improvised way.
To give continuity to your business effectively, it is important not to underestimate some aspects:
The knowledge of the habits of use of digital media by the target of interest of the activity: the potential customers what relationship do they have with online shopping?
The characteristics of each tool that make it peculiar and specific for the pursuit of certain objectives: Facebook and Instagram, although both two social platforms, differ greatly in terms of content characteristics and use by users
Is the chosen technology performing? Does it adequately support business objectives? The choice of one website development method over another determines the different characteristics of the digital space in which I will host my potential customers.
Furthermore, one thing must be clarified once and for all: digital transformation does not mean investing many francs in new technologies or complex processes. Often, in fact, it goes through a readaptation of internal processes and some changes in work flows with investments accessible for the vast majority of companies.
With a little help you can manage the digital passage with the right mindset and awareness: digital transformation is accessible and usable by everyone.
Some examples?
In times of crisis like the present one, it is also important to maintain direct contact with customers.
If you want to sell your products in a new way bypassing geographical barriers, you can think of creating your online shop.
If your goal is to find new customers for your business you could use the types of adverts made available by Google Ads and Facebook Ads to generate traffic to your e-commerce.
If you want to give more visibility to your brand, you can create an advertising campaign aimed at covering the largest number of people.
If you want to pay more attention to the customer care offered to your customers, you can choose to make the most of the social platforms.
Do you want to maximize the management and organization of your business contacts? You could think of developing a customized app for customer management and the automation of some activities.
There are really many possibilities made available by digital: you just have to choose the alternatives that best suit your business and your specific objectives.
Do you not know how to orient yourself in the wide range of digital tools and platforms?
Do you want a hand to define a marketing plan that is well suited to the specificities of your business?
We offer you an hour of free consultation to answer all your doubts.
Contact us without obligation!